
Apple Crisps with Maple Chunks

Apple Crisps with Maple Chunks

Servings : 4

Directions : 15 minutes

Cook in : 6 minutes


  • 4 Cortland apples
  • 2.5 mL (½ tsp) cinnamon
  • 60 mL (¼ cup) sugar
  • 4 ginger snaps
  • 80 mL (¹⁄3 cup) maple chunks
  • 60 mL (¼ cup) butter
  • 2.5 mL (½ tsp) ground ginger (optional)



  1. Peel and cut apples into cubes
  2. In a pan, melt butter on medium-low heat. Cook apples 6 to 8 minutes with cinnamon, sugar and, if desired, ginger until apples are soft. Remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Place a cookie in each dessert plate. Using a cookie cutter the same size as the cookies, top each cookie with the apple preparation.
  4. Sprinkle with maple chunks

  From 5-15 Magazine, éditions pratico-pratiques